Summary of our Privacy Notice

Learn what you will find in the Apdata Privacy Notice

1. Definitions

You will know in detail the terms used throughout Apdata's Privacy Notice.

2. Normative Reference

Apdata’s Privacy Notice has been updated respecting the LGPD - General Data Protection Law, in this item you will find the link of the Law in full.

3. What data do we collect

Here we tell you what personal data we may collect, where it is collected and its purpose.

4. What are cookies and how do we use them

Here we will explain to you what cookies are and how we use them. In addition, we also explain how these files and / or information are stored on your device when you access the Apdata website.

5. Why we process personal data about you

Here we explain in detail the reasons for processing your data. Highlighting the following situations:

  • If APDATA has any legal or regulatory obligation
  • For the regular exercise of APDATA's rights
  • In situations of legitimate interest of APDATA
  • For the execution of contracts or preliminary steps
  • For conducting activities aimed at preventing the occurrence of fraud
  • Through authorization granted by you

6. With whom we share your personal data

We explain in which cases and with whom your data may be shared by Apdata. Bearing in mind that this sharing is possible in only a few situations, for the protection of Apdata's interests or for the purposes of its own interest.

7. How we protect your data

Apdata adopts technical measures able to protect your data in the best way and here we explain what we do to ensure that your data is always safe, these are cutting edge technologies, encryption and other best practices, which help in the impossibility of data leakage.

8. How long do we store your personal data

Your data is deleted when it is no longer useful to Apdata, or when requested by you, in this topic you will have more information on the storage time.

9. What are my rights as a holder of personal data

As a holder of personal data, you have a number of rights over them, in this topic we show you in detail, what these rights are and how to enjoy them with Apdata (communication channels to request something about your rights).

10. How to clarify the remaining doubts

If you have any questions, suggestions or requests involving this document or the processing of your personal data, please contact:

Data Protection Officer (DPO):
Opice Blum, Bruno Advogados Associados

Henrique Fabretti

11. Update of the Privacy Notice

Apdata's Privacy Notice may be updated at any time for legal reasons, technology changes and as Apdata deems necessary.

For more information, click here and access our full Privacy Notice.