APDATA DO BRASIL SOFTWARE LTDA. along with its subsidiary APDATA SERVICES CORPORATION, provides information about their services on their website(s) according to the following terms and conditions.
The term of use will always be available on this website on the homepage at: www.apdata.com
The information available on or through the website are the property of APDATA or its licensors, and is protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws. Users may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, publish, sell, license, create derivative works or otherwise use any information available on this website or through it for commercial or public purposes. Users may not use the trademarks, logos and service marks (“Trademarks”) for any purpose, including but not limited to, the use of "interesting links" or meta tags in other pages or websites without the permission in writing from APDATA or third-party that may own the Trademark.
The user undertakes not to modify, transport, add, delete or otherwise misrepresent the information contained on APDATA’s website. The user also undertakes not to decompile, completely change the engineering, disassemble or unlawfully use or reproduce any software, material protected by copyright or trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary information contained in this website.
Although APDATA monitors the website information, some information is provided by independent third-parties. Although APDATA makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information on the website, APDATA does not guarantee the accuracy of such information.
APDATA prohibits unauthorized links to the website and the formulation of any information contained on the website or any part thereof. APDATA reserves the right to disable any unauthorized links or formulations. APDATA has no strict or financial liability for any material on other websites that may contain links to this website.
Information and documents available on this website are provided "as is" without any kind of warranty, either explicit or implicitly, including without warranty regarding the trading limit, adequacy to a particular purpose and non-violation. APDATA committed reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information on this website; however, APDATA provides no warranties or makes any representations as to their accuracy or integrity. APDATA adds, changes, improves or updates the information and documents on this website from time to time and without notice. APDATA does not undertake any strict or finance liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this website. The use of this website is at the user’s own risk.
In no event shall APDATA be liable for any damage incurred by the user, including any incidental, specific or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, any loss of profit or damage resulting from business interruption, loss of information, programs or other data) resulting from the access to, use of, or deactivation of the use of this website or arising from any breach of security associated with the transmission of information over the internet, even if Apdata has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
It is important for APDATA to protect the privacy of our clients and users of our websites. The Privacy Statement of APDATA’s website describes how we use and protect the information that you provide us.
The information is transmitted to the websites of APDATA’s clients, and then they are coded for the protection of the user. However, a secure transmission of information over the Internet can never be guaranteed. APDATA is not responsible for any interception or interruption of any communications through the Internet or for changes or loss of data. The user is responsible for keeping secure any password, user ID, or other form of authentication involved in obtaining access to protected password or secure areas of APDATA’s websites. In order to protect you and your data, APDATA may suspend your use of the website as a client, without notice, pending investigation, on suspicion of any security breach.
The user acknowledges and agrees that, by providing any personal information to APDATA through the website, the User authorizes the transmission of such personal information across international borders, as necessary for the processing, in accordance with APDATA’s standard business practices and in accordance with the Privacy Statement of APDATA’s website.
The access and use of a password protected area and/or secure area of the website are restricted to authorized users only. Unauthorized access to such areas is prohibited and may result in criminal prosecution.
APDATA Trademarks and Service Marks
The following are registered and pending trademarks and service marks of APDATA DO BRASIL SOFTWARE LTDA. which may be incorporated in APDATA’s websites:
- APDATA Logo®
- LPC®